When we want to realize that our ideas are just a replica of just their own objects not looking them as a result of our intelligent mind, we take a step back in the past and at that moment we share those unique creations with the world. By showing them to the world, our ideas gets fuelled by criticism and undergoes hammering or shattering process, resulting into some ideal proposition or design that is bound to receive appreciations.
In fact our ideas or plans are everlasting and cannot be shaken by any supernatural forces present in nature. Ever you had any good idea, it will be remain in the mind forever. It will going to stay with you forever stored somewhere in a human complex designed natural machine called brain.
Ideas are just thought of brain and are immortal. Remember last time you thought about giving vote to any political party due to their good deeds for the common masses in last 5 years or murmuring the lyrics of the last song you heard on FM radio or while riding in bus, it’s just an another example of idea. It’s very difficult for your mind to get off the topic once an idea stricken in it. Whenever we let our design or plans to flow in which they want, then evolution path is build up which takes our thinking to a next level resulting into great things ever happened in the history of mankind.
Image Link: https://unsplash.com/photos/Tdlr4irVuvM